Vincent Rager was born in Muskegon, MI and he grew up in poverty and violent stricken environment.
Dr. Vincent Rager is a learner by nature and he has learned a number of things from his experiences and the experiences of others around him.
Vincent Rager, Psy.D. also played a great role in terms of creating individualized treatment plans focused on a variety of therapeutic goals and interventions for co-occurring mental disorders, psychosocial issues, crime prevention, and medication management.
Vincent Rager is known for writing Suicide Risk and Self-Harm Evaluations with individualized safety plans.
Dr. Vincent Rager is proud as he is the first person to graduate from college. His diligence is evident from the fact that he worked five jobs and volunteered in his community while putting himself through college.
Vincent Rager as an advocate in his community for suicide prevention and LGBTQ rights.
Vincent Rager graduated college with honors and immediately continued his education in graduate school where he earned his doctorate degree in clinical psychology. He has treated multiple suicidal cases and has gained the desired results.
Vincent Rager, Psy.D.assisted EOP Depression Management therapy group working on mindfulness-based CBT methods. He has managed to become a part of various organizations as well.